Ranked #5 in Babble.com's "50 best iPad Entertainment Apps for Kids"

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There are some projects that are more fun than others, and then there are projects which are so frikkin' cool that every time you think about them you grin and want to work on them some more.  Animal Creator is one of those. 

Animal Creator is an iPad app developed by me and the incalculably awesome Sam Madden.  The project was inspired by a card that I made for Sam long ago, before the Internets was even A Thing.  Sam ended up becoming a programming genius, and when we decided to do a project together he suggested we try an iPad app that riffed on that card idea.  I did the artwork and he did some programming wizardry, and Animal Creator was born.

Here's how it works: Using a library of real animal parts, you can create your own all-new crazy mix-up animal.  Based on the parts that you've chosen, the animal is assigned a unique name and also a unique sound.  You can color in your animal however you want, and then email your finished creation to your friends, or post it directly to Facebook.  You can also go further and place your animals in a number of different settings, resize them and flip them and arrange how you wish, and even add text and small icons.  

There are many best parts about this project, but one of the highlights is watching the little kids in my life play with their app and create their own new animals. The other best part was working on such a great project with such a great friend like Sam.

You can buy it! In the App store.  Just do a search for it.  It's easy and fun and cheap and you can make your own awesome weird picture.

Click here for Animal Creator official website